There’s Still a Plan
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)
If you are reading this email or post, you made it over into 2021!
Happy New Year!
2021! Wow! What lies ahead in this new year?
What does God have waiting for you, just ahead?
Did 2020 leave you so scared that you now feel too much ground has been lost, and you can never accomplish your dreams and desires?
Well, I’ve come to tell you that that is the furthest thing from The Father’s intentions. Some plans may have been locked down. Dreams may have been put on hold. And some desires may have been put on layaway, but, as it’s said in the church, delayed is not denied.
In the twenty-ninth chapter of Jeremiah, Israel found themselves in such a place –– a place of delay. Due to their sinful nature, the nation was exiled to a Babylonian government, where they remained for seventy years.
While there, the people felt God had forgotten about them. They felt that His promises were no longer “yes” and “amen” but “no” and “not so”. But in the midst of their pity party, God said, hold up. Wait a minute. My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways. Your level of reasoning and understanding is far below mine.
My plans for you have not changed. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (verse 11, NIV)
In this new year, there is hope, and your future is bright. The glory of the Son is shining brightly upon your path.
God knew of you before you were formed in the womb. (Jeremiah 1:5) Now is the time for you to know Him on a deeper level. In the thirteenth verse of Jeremiah 29, God told the people, you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. This new level will require us to seek God wholeheartedly.
“This (new level) demands more than attending church on Sunday, tapping our feet to the music, hearing a sermon, and saying “Amen.” Unless we commit our hearts to the Lord 24/7, we will be no different twelve months from now. But when we worship and obey the Lord through our day-to-day walk with Him, He’s ready to communicate with us and even reverse our circumstances.” (Excerpt from Dr. Tony Evans’ Bible Commentary)
As deep calls unto deep, take the plunge in this new year. Listen attentively to the Master’s heart for the next phase of the plan. There’s a newness on the horizon waiting to be revealed to the world, and that newness will be revealed through you.
Join me next week for more Coffee on The Couch