The Truth Shall Make You Free
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” — John 8:32
Truth and freedom go together like grits, butter, and salt.
I know I probably struck a nerve there because some people believe grits should be eaten with sugar. (Lol) However, the truth is that grits are eaten with salt, hands down.
Nevertheless, no matter your culinary preferences, Jesus equates truth with freedom.
In today’s passage, He lets His audience know that holding fast to His teachings proves they are His disciples. Furthermore, if they are genuinely His disciples, they will see the truth and be set free.
Jesus is the truth. There’s no fallacy about Him, nor is there anything superstitious attached to His nature. He said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Knowing Jesus and everything written about Him brings liberation. Think of it this way. Imagine fostering a lie. Every time you’re asked about the situation, you choose to withhold what’s accurate and true until you decide to be honest one day. When that moment happens, there’s a liberty that comes with telling the truth. It’s like a weight is lifted, and you suddenly find yourself at peace.
In the same manner, when we come to know Jesus for ourselves, we experience an overwhelming release from the fallacies that have held us captive for years.
Knowing Jesus is the Prince of Peace releases us from anxiety and worry.
Knowing that He is life releases us from the threat of eternal death and damnation.
Knowing that Jesus is a Provider releases us from a life of lack and poverty.
Has there been a time in your life when you felt relief or freedom from something that held you bound?
Take a moment to express your gratitude to God for a way of escape through the avenue of truth.
Father, I thank you that through Your Son, Jesus Christ, we can find our way, the truth, and life. I thank you that I can find freedom when I learn and understand my position in You. Increase my discernment to know when you’re releasing truth and order my steps to always walk in Your way. In Jesus’s name, I pray, amen.
I am set free by the truth of God’s Word.
Join me next week for Coffee on The Couch.