A Sudden Gust In The Room

Published by davisadmin on

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” — Act 2:2 NKJV.


There they were. One hundred & twenty believers, waiting for the Promise –– the Promise Jesus said they were going to receive.

Acts 2:1 says, “They were all with one accord in one place” –– physically present and spiritually conscious.

No doubt, they had all been with Jesus, at one point or another.  Listening to His teachings, experiencing the miracles, and just soaking up all He was able to give out in the short time, He was on earth.

Here’s their spiritual M.O. –– their modus operandi:

  • They were like-minded – meaning none were uninterested.
  • They were invested – waiting with anticipation for that which was to come.
  • None acted unconcerned – that which was about to happen mattered to all because it affected them as a whole.
  • None were lukewarm – for by now, they knew they had to either believe or recognize the fact that their walk with Jesus over the past three years was in vain.
  • And they were earnest – united in faith and prayer.

Then, it happened.  “Suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.”

Can you imagine sitting in a room and then all of a sudden you hear this loud, boisterous wind, sounding like thunder, and the voices of many men at the same time?

Suddenly –– i.e., unexpectantly, unaware.

It wasn’t that this event caught the believers off guard. For, they knew something was coming, but they didn’t know the timing ­–– the set time in which it was to occur.

The situation is similar to a tornado. A tornado can hit at any time of the day. All can be calm, and then out of nowhere, a boisterous wind begins to rise.

The believers were probably looking around, and yet, deep down, they knew this must have been what Jesus had spoken.

But “What could this mean?”

It was a moment in time of preparation. It was a moment in time to be endowed with power.

This burst of wind prepared the hundred and twenty for ministry to the nations. It was time for them to go out and win souls for Christ. They were to now take all they had learned and teach it from generation to generation.

As with them, our encounters with God can be a one-room experience. The winds of transition can hit like a tornado –– at any time during the year and at any time of the day. The more we abide in His presence, the more our atmospheres are charged and conducive for such an occurrence.

My charge to you today is, from this day forward, expect and anticipate a Pentecost Encounter?

  • Enter into the room.
  • Take a seat.
  • Begin to pray and seek the heart of God.
  • Then wait and listen for the wind.


Join me next week for Coffee on The Couch.


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