Day and Night, Really?
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.” – Joshua 1:8
Day and night — Night and day, there is no difference here.
Day and night is a time span of 24 hours. So, literally, Israel was to fix their thoughts on God’s law all the time. In turn, if they did, they would see great success everywhere they went. (v. 7)
Yes, it seems like a tall order to fill, but when you have nothing else to do but to follow God until you reach the inheritance of His promise, then it seems that it was the least Israel could do.
One of the benefits of meditating on God’s word is that it closes the door to frivolous thoughts — thoughts that add no value to your worth, purpose, or destiny. When you meditate, it keeps you focused on the God-given plans and purpose God has ordained for your life.
Meditating is bread for the soul.
So, what does it mean when we say to meditate on something?
Basically, meditating means to rehearse something over and over and over in your mind — much like a choir rehearsal. So much so that by the end of rehearsal, the songs and music are embedded in the heart and soul of the psalmist and musicians — to the point where the songs have become a permanent part of their being.
When the word of God becomes a permanent part of who you are, your behavior and actions come from a place in God that’s not of personal opinion or feelings. It’s all God. You can think of those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report with ease. And if there is any virtue or anything praiseworthy — meditate. Meditate on those things. (Philippians 4:8)
Having Coffee on The Couch is the perfect backdrop for meditation. It’s a place of solitude –– a place where you can learn from God and of God. A place where God can engrave His thoughts into your heart and seal them with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Coffee on The Couch is a place where you can release your praise and release your worship unto God like the aroma of a sweet-smelling savor. “For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ which ascends to God…” (2 Corinthians 2:15a, AMP)
As we journey through the Season of Lent this year, let’s purpose in our hearts to make Joshua 1:8 one of our spiritual disciplines. Set aside time each day to meditate on God’s word and the blessings reaped from His field of promises. Then sing unto the Lord a new song; for, He inhabits the praises of His people.
Join me next week for Coffee on The Couch. God has saved a seat for you!