Chapter 21

Published by davisadmin on

Then I said, ‘See, I have come to do Your will, O God,’ as it is written of Me in the volume of the book.” – Hebrews 10:7, MEV


In just three days, God will start a new chapter in your life.

I ask, what is He going to write on the next pages of time concerning you?

Are new characters introduced in this chapter, or will He continue to build the current ones?

Will there be a turn in the plot? Will the storyline change? Or will the narrative continue for the next 52-pages?

Whether or not we’ve had an opportunity to seek God for insight for the new year, it does not change His purpose. God knows what He has to accomplish, and His plan still stands.

It’s time to turn the page!

Psalm 138:8a tells us, “The Lord will work out his plans for [your] life.” (NLT)

So, I challenge you to spend the remaining days of this year in conversation with the Lord.

  • Ask Him to share His heart concerning you.
  • Ask Him to reveal the storyline for your next.
  • Then, ask Him to give you the plan (step-by-step) needed to accomplish His will.

There’s no doubt He will speak if you ask. For, Matthew 7:7a says, “Ask, and it will be given to you.” And since God is a man who cannot lie, we believe in His word by faith.

So, take out your pen, get your journal, grab a cup of coffee, and take your seat on The Couch. The Father is ready to speak.


Dear heavenly Father, it is in the name of your most precious gift, Jesus, that we come. We thank you for life. We thank you for our health and well-being. And we thank you for every good and perfect gift You have given unto us. For this year has not been easy. It has been trying, at times. But it was by your grace and mercies that we were not consumed. Therefore, through the midst of it all, we give you praise.

Now that we have come to the end of another year, we ask You to reveal yourself unto us even the more. Show us the next line in the new chapter— precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little. We seek your knowledge and understanding. As you write the vision, make it plain so we can run with it. Not for any glory of our own, but that You may be glorified through our lives.

Father, we bless You and honor You for those things which are to come.

In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.


Join me next year for Coffee on The Couch

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