
Published by davisadmin on


“You’re a certified classic at sixty.” – Dane Peddigrew.


Sunday, November 15, I celebrated a milestone birthday. God allowed me to begin the sixtieth chapter of my life. Wow! I can’t believe it!

 As I sat yesterday, thinking about my birthday, the Holy Spirit brought to me that I was born in 1960, and I had just turned 60 — sixty-sixty. With that thought, I immediately recalled 2 Kings 2:9 when Elijah asked Elisha, “what can I do for you before I am taken away?” Elisha answered, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” Elisha did not want silver or gold, nor did he want riches. Neither did he roll off a list, as if he was talking with Santa the night before Christmas. All he wanted was a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.

As we get older, it seems that our appetite changes when it comes to the things of God. We long to please Him more. The material comforts of life don’t seem to be as important. As long as our needs are met, those things take a backseat to seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. After all, we can’t take the temporal things of this world with us, anyway. Therefore our focus shifts to becoming a mirror image of the Father.

As we grow in Christ, our desires become more like His desires. Wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord become our sought-after portion. Resting in God’s presence becomes a necessity and not an occasional drop-in. Finding joy in the Lord gives us the strength to endure the next task, test, or challenge.

As we mature along this journey, we learn dwelling in the secret place of the Most High is where we find safety. Our confession echoes David’s confession when he says, “I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” (Psalm 91:2) Trusting God with our lives, trusting Him with our cares. Trusting Him with all that we are and ever will be.

“For it is in Him we live and move and have our being.”

Dr. Tony Evans said, “God is the sum total of all life, it is in getting to know him intimately that you truly come to know who you are and what you were created to be.”

When we rest in His presence, He begins to unfold the plans He has concerning us, line upon line, here a little, there a little until we come into the full knowledge of what we are called to be.

So this morning, we take a moment to wait with anticipation and expectation just as the hundred and twenty did in the upper room. As God continues to pen this biography, we linger to receive the next chapter’s vision and outline.

 Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.” (Habakkuk 2:2)


“I’m turning 60 this month! I’m so glad I’ve lived long enough to say those words and celebrate their meaning. I am in awe of the way my journey here on earth continues to unfold. My life has been marked by miracles for as long as I can recall – and even before. Every day and every breath is magic.” – Oprah Winfrey.


My sentiments exactly, Oprah. Thank you for putting words to this new chapter of life.


Join me next week for Coffee on The Couch


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