A Heart Overflowing With Praise

Published by davisadmin on

“Remember what Christ taught, and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise; teach them to each other and sing them out in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing to the Lord with thankful hearts.” — Colossians 3:16, The Living Bible Translation.


As we continue our series on thankfulness and gratitude, Colossians 3:16 helps us reflect on those who have exemplified the character and nature of Christ and shown us acts of kindness.

A friend of my husband shared her story with him yesterday:

She was walking her dog along the beach and spotted a man having trouble with his fishing rods.

As she approached him, she noticed that the lines of the rods were tangled. So, she asked if she could help. More than likely, this man had been struggling for a while now, so he agreed to the help.

Now mind you, my husband’s friend did not have her reading glasses with her. So, her trying to untangle fishing lines right before her face became a challenge. The other issue she had working against her was the sun. It was going down, and she was losing lighting.

She said it got to the point where she felt like giving up, but she kept trying. The one saving grace was one of the lines was bigger than the other. So, she kept her eyes on the larger wire and eventually freed the lines of each other.

As she handed the rods back to the gentleman and began to walk away, she could hear him resounding with joy.

“Thank you, Jesus!”

“Thank you, Jesus!”

“Thank you, Jesus!”

Even though this man’s English was broken, his words of gratitude are universal. His heart was filled with thanksgiving for the good Samaritan who stopped to help him in his time of need.

When you sit before the Lord today:

  • Remember those who have made an impact on your life.
  • Think about those who have mentored, coached, or guided you along your journey.

Then, thank God for bringing them across your path.

“But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.” (Luke 10:33, ESV)


Join me next week for Coffee on The Couch.